Counselling is a talking therapy. We all experience distress and difficulties at some point in our lives, and when this is the case it can be extremely beneficial to meet regularly with a counsellor, either short term or long term, to talk things through. Even when an individual has supportive family and friends it may be easier to talk about personal, family, or relationship issues with a person who is independent of friends and family.
Life issues and events which can be very difficult to deal with include: bereavement, divorce, redundancy, health issues, bullying, anxiety and depression. However, you do not have to be in crisis or on the verge of one, before choosing to have therapy. You may be experiencing underlying feelings of dissatisfaction with life in general, or be seeking balance in your life and spirituality. All of these reasons and more will bring individuals to therapy.
Counselling is time set aside by you and the therapist to look at what has brought you to therapy. This might include talking about life events (past and present), feelings, emotions, relationships, ways of thinking and patterns of behaviour.
Counselling isn't about someone telling you what to do, it's a collaborative process. You remain in control of what information you choose to share in therapy and what choices you make in your life. Counselling provides the space in which to explore those things.
The counselling on offer at the clinic is Intergrative, meaning it brings together several ways of working including Person Centred, Transactional Analysis and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Helen McLean​